Encantamientos de equipamiento 18.1

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Puedes encantar cualquier pieza de equipamiento del Gray Wolf Set en (/navi wolfvill 164/137), que seria el mismo NPC que vende el equipo, tendrás que usar la interface de Enchant UI.

Paginas de interés:

Gray Wolf Armors

Objetos Orden de Slot Requisitos Minimos Reset de Encanto
Grade Refine
Wolf1.png Gray Wolf Suit [1] 3→2→1 Sin Grade 7 25 18.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment


Chance: 100.00%

Wolf2.png Gray Wolf Robe [1]

Encantamiento normal

Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3
Requisitos de Encantamiento 5018.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment


2518.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment


15 18.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment


Encantos Pontifex Belief.png Wolf Orb (Reflection Reject) Lv1 (1.85%) 18.1 enchant4.png Wolf Orb (Str) Lv1 (10.00%) 18.1 enchant4.png Wolf Orb (Str) Lv1 (9.90%)
Pontifex Belief.png Wolf Orb (Reflection Reject) Lv2 (0.50%) 18.2 enchant5.png Wolf Orb (Dex) Lv1 (10.00%) 18.2 enchant5.png Wolf Orb (Dex) Lv1 (9.90%)
Pontifex Belief.png Wolf Orb (Reflection Reject) Lv3 (0.10%) 18.1 enchant6.png Wolf Orb (Agi) Lv1 (10.00%) 18.1 enchant6.png Wolf Orb (Agi) Lv1 (9.90%)
Pontifex Courage.png Wolf Orb (Power Force) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant7.png Wolf Orb (Int) Lv1 (10.00%) 18.1 enchant7.png Wolf Orb (Int) Lv1 (9.90%)
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Dragonic Breath) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant8.png Wolf Orb (Vit) Lv1 (10.00%) 18.1 enchant8.png Wolf Orb (Vit) Lv1 (9.90%)
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Cutter Break) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant9.png Wolf Orb (Luk) Lv1 (10.00%) 18.1 enchant9.png Wolf Orb (Luk) Lv1 (9.90%)
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Hundred Wave) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant4.png Wolf Orb (Str) Lv2 (2.00%) 18.1 enchant4.png Wolf Orb (Str) Lv2 (2.50%)
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Brand Drive) (1.88%) 18.2 enchant5.png Wolf Orb (Dex) Lv2 (2.00%) 18.2 enchant5.png Wolf Orb (Dex) Lv2 (2.50%)
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Vanishing Cannon) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant6.png Wolf Orb (Agi) Lv2 (2.00%) 18.1 enchant6.png Wolf Orb (Agi) Lv2 (2.50%)
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Genesis Pressure) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant7.png Wolf Orb (Int) Lv2 (2.00%) 18.1 enchant7.png Wolf Orb (Int) Lv2 (2.50%)
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Boost Cannon) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant8.png Wolf Orb (Vit) Lv2 (2.00%) 18.1 enchant8.png Wolf Orb (Vit) Lv2 (2.50%)
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Vulcan Boomerang) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant9.png Wolf Orb (Luk) Lv2 (2.00%) 18.1 enchant9.png Wolf Orb (Luk) Lv2 (2.50%)
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Tornado Swing) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant4.png Wolf Orb (Str) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.1 enchant10.png Wolf Orb (Physical Defense) Lv1 (9.90%)
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Hell Tornado) (1.88%) 18.2 enchant5.png Wolf Orb (Dex) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.1 enchant11.png Wolf Orb (Magical Defense) Lv1 (9.90%)
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Crazy Cannon) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant6.png Wolf Orb (Agi) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.1 enchant10.png Wolf Orb (Physical Defense) Lv2 (2.50%)
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Acid Explosion) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant7.png Wolf Orb (Int) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.1 enchant11.png Wolf Orb (Magical Defense) Lv2 (2.50%)
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Sonic Impact) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant8.png Wolf Orb (Vit) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.1 enchant12.png Wolf Orb (Shooter) Lv1 (0.23%)
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Cutter Slasher) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant9.png Wolf Orb (Luk) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.2 enchant13.png Wolf Orb (Warrior) Lv1 (0.23%)
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Berserk Slash) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant10.png Wolf Orb (Physical Defense) Lv1 (10.00%) 18.1 enchant14.png Wolf Orb (Mage) Lv1 (0.23%)
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Fatal Attack) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant11.png Wolf Orb (Magical Defense) Lv1 (10.00%) 18.1 enchant12.png Wolf Orb (Shooter) Lv2 (0.03%)
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Shadow Spell) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant10.png Wolf Orb (Physical Defense) Lv2 (2.00%) 18.2 enchant13.png Wolf Orb (Warrior) Lv2 (0.03%)
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Angle Shot) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant11.png Wolf Orb (Magical Defense) Lv2 (2.00%) 18.1 enchant14.png Wolf Orb (Mage) Lv2 (0.03%)
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Crimson Strain) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant10.png Wolf Orb (Physical Defense) Lv3 (0.40%) -
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Jack Lightning) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant11.png Wolf Orb (Magical Defense) Lv3 (0.40%) -
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Comet Vortex) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant12.png Wolf Orb (Shooter) Lv1 (0.20%) -
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Cloud Buster) (1.88%) 18.2 enchant13.png Wolf Orb (Warrior) Lv1 (0.20%) -
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Varetyr Wave) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant14.png Wolf Orb (Mage) Lv1 (0.20%) -
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Diamond Grave) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant12.png Wolf Orb (Shooter) Lv2 (0.05%) -
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Magnusmus) (1.88%) 18.2 enchant13.png Wolf Orb (Warrior) Lv2 (0.05%) -
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Holy Judex) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant14.png Wolf Orb (Mage) Lv2 (0.05%) -
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Melee Duple) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant12.png Wolf Orb (Shooter) Lv3 (0.01%) -
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Tiger Empire) (1.88%) 18.2 enchant13.png Wolf Orb (Warrior) Lv3 (0.01%) -
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Rampage Lightning) (1.88%) 18.1 enchant14.png Wolf Orb (Mage) Lv3 (0.01%) -
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Hell Arrow) (1.88%) Pontifex Wisdom.png Wolf Orb (Delay After Skill) (0.01%) -
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Cluster) (1.88%) - -
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Breeze Shooting) (1.88%) - -
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Aimed Storm) (1.88%) - -
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Sound Metal) (1.88%) - -
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Reverb) (1.88%) - -
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Vulcan Severe) (1.88%) - -
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Prominence Burst) (1.88%) - -
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Moon Kick) (1.88%) - -
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Flash Falling) (1.88%) - -
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Eswhoo) (1.88%) - -
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Espa) (1.88%) - -
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Curse Explosion) (1.88%) - -
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Des Hammer Dance) (1.88%) - -
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Fire Howling Tail) (1.88%) - -
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Storm Buster Trip) (1.88%) - -
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Flame Ice Wind) (1.88%) - -
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Cross Petal) (1.88%) - -
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Exploding Flake Wind) (1.88%) - -
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Power of Sea) (1.88%) - -
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Power of Land) (1.88%) - -
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Power of Life) (1.88%) - -

Encanto Perfecto - 1 Slot

Para el encanto perfecto deberás pagar 2500 18.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment y 10,000,000z

Perfect Slot 1 Enchant
Pontifex Belief.png Wolf Orb (Reflection Reject) Lv3
Pontifex Courage.png Wolf Orb (Power Force)
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Dragonic Breath)
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Cutter Break)
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Hundred Wave)
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Brand Drive)
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Vanishing Cannon)
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Genesis Pressure)
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Boost Cannon)
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Vulcan Boomerang)
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Tornado Swing)
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Hell Tornado)
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Crazy Cannon)
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Acid Explosion)
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Sonic Impact)
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Cutter Slasher)
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Berserk Slash)
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Fatal Attack)
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Shadow Spell)
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Angle Shot)
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Crimson Strain)
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Jack Lightning)
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Comet Vortex)
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Cloud Buster)
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Varetyr Wave)
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Diamond Grave)
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Magnusmus)
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Holy Judex)
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Melee Duple)
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Tiger Empire)
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Rampage Lightning)
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Hell Arrow)
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Cluster)
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Breeze Shooting)
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Aimed Storm)
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Sound Metal)
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Reverb)
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Vulcan Severe)
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Prominence Burst)
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Moon Kick)
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Flash Falling)
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Eswhoo)
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Espa)
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Curse Explosion)
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Des Hammer Dance)
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Fire Howling Tail)
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Storm Buster Trip)
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Flame Ice Wind)
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Cross Petal)
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Exploding Flake Wind)
18.1 enchant1.png Wolf Orb (Power of Sea)
18.1 enchant2.png Wolf Orb (Power of Land)
18.1 Enchant3.png Wolf Orb (Power of Life)

Gray Wolf Garments

Objetos Orden de Slot Requisitos Minimos Reset de Encanto
Grade Refine
Wolf3.png Gray Wolf Manteau [1] 3→2→1 Sin Grade 7 25 18.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment


Chance: 100.00%

Wolf4.png Gray Wolf Muffler [1]

Encantamiento Normal

Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3
Requisitos de Encantamiento 5018.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment


2518.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment


15 18.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment


Encantos 18.1 encanto16.png Wolf Orb (Above All) Lv1 (30.03%) 18.1 enchant18.png Wolf Orb (Speed) Lv1 (20.00%) 18.1 enchant4.png Wolf Orb (Str) Lv1 (13.67%)
18.1 encanto16.png Wolf Orb (Above All) Lv2 (3.00%) 18.1 enchant19.png Wolf Orb (Caster) Lv1 (20.00%) 18.2 enchant5.png Wolf Orb (Dex) Lv1 (13.67%)
18.1 encanto16.png Wolf Orb (Above All) Lv3 (0.30%) 18.1 enchant20.png Wolf Orb (Critical) Lv1 (20.00%) 18.1 enchant6.png Wolf Orb (Agi) Lv1 (13.67%)
18.1 enchant15.png Wolf Orb (Powerful) Lv1 (30.03%) 18.1 enchant21.png Wolf Orb (Guide Attack) Lv1 (20.00%) 18.1 enchant7.png Wolf Orb (Int) Lv1 (13.67%)
18.1 enchant15.png Wolf Orb (Powerful) Lv2 (3.00%) 18.1 enchant18.png Wolf Orb (Speed) Lv2 (4.50%) 18.1 enchant8.png Wolf Orb (Vit) Lv1 (13.67%)
18.1 enchant15.png Wolf Orb (Powerful) Lv3 (0.30%) 18.1 enchant19.png Wolf Orb (Caster) Lv2 (4.50%) 18.1 enchant9.png Wolf Orb (Luk) Lv1 (13.67%)
18.1 enchant17.png Wolf Orb (Mirror Counter) Lv1 (30.03%) 18.1 enchant20.png Wolf Orb (Critical) Lv2 (4.50%) 18.1 enchant4.png Wolf Orb (Str) Lv2 (2.50%)
18.1 enchant17.png Wolf Orb (Mirror Counter) Lv2 (3.00%) 18.1 enchant21.png Wolf Orb (Guide Attack) Lv2 (4.50%) 18.2 enchant5.png Wolf Orb (Dex) Lv2 (2.50%)
18.1 enchant17.png Wolf Orb (Mirror Counter) Lv3 (0.30%) 18.1 enchant18.png Wolf Orb (Speed) Lv3 (0.50%) 18.1 enchant6.png Wolf Orb (Agi) Lv2 (2.50%)
- 18.1 enchant19.png Wolf Orb (Caster) Lv3 (0.50%) 18.1 enchant7.png Wolf Orb (Int) Lv2 (2.50%)
- 18.1 enchant20.png Wolf Orb (Critical) Lv3 (0.50%) 18.1 enchant8.png Wolf Orb (Vit) Lv2 (2.50%)
- 18.1 enchant21.png Wolf Orb (Guide Attack) Lv3 (0.50%) 18.1 enchant9.png Wolf Orb (Luk) Lv2 (2.50%)
- - 18.1 enchant4.png Wolf Orb (Str) Lv3 (0.50%)
- - 18.2 enchant5.png Wolf Orb (Dex) Lv3 (0.50%)
- - 18.1 enchant6.png Wolf Orb (Agi) Lv3 (0.50%)
- - 18.1 enchant7.png Wolf Orb (Int) Lv3 (0.50%)
- - 18.1 enchant8.png Wolf Orb (Vit) Lv3 (0.50%)
- - 18.1 enchant9.png Wolf Orb (Luk) Lv3 (0.50%)

Encanto Perfecto - 1 Slot

Para el encanto perfecto deberás pagar 2500 18.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment y 10,000,000z

Perfect Slot 1 Enchant
18.1 encanto16.png Wolf Orb (Above All) Lv3
18.1 enchant15.png Wolf Orb (Powerful) Lv3
18.1 enchant17.png Wolf Orb (Mirror Counter) Lv3

Gray Wolf Footgear

Objetos Orden de Slot Requisitos Minimos Reset de Encanto
Grade Refine
Wolf5.png Gray Wolf Boots [1] 3→2→1 Sin Grade 7 25 18.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment


Chance: 100.00%

Wolf6.png Gray Wolf Shoes [1]

Encantamiento Normal

Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3
Requisitos de Encantamiento 5018.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment


2518.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment


15 18.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment


Encantos 18.1 enchant22.png Wolf Orb (Unlimited Vital) (16.67%) 18.1 enchant29.png Wolf Orb (Fixed Casting) Lv1 (30.03%) 18.1 enchant32.png Wolf Orb (Vital) Lv1 (21.50%)
18.1 enchant23.png Wolf Orb (Spell Buster) (16.67%) 18.1 enchant29.png Wolf Orb (Fixed Casting) Lv2 (3.00%) 18.1 enchant33.png Wolf Orb (Mental) Lv1 (21.50%)
18.1 enchant24.png Wolf Orb (Firing Shot) (16.67%) 18.1 enchant29.png Wolf Orb (Fixed Casting) Lv3 (0.30%) 18.1 enchant34.png Wolf Orb (Heal) Lv1 (21.50%)
18.1 enchant25.png Wolf Orb (Overpower) (16.67%) 18.1 enchant30.png Wolf Orb (Magical Force) Lv1 (30.03%) 18.1 enchant32.png Wolf Orb (Vital) Lv2 (3.00%)
18.1 enchant26.png Wolf Orb (Fatal Flash) (16.67%) 18.1 enchant30.png Wolf Orb (Magical Force) Lv2 (3.00%) 18.1 enchant33.png Wolf Orb (Mental) Lv2 (3.00%)
18.1 enchant28.png Wolf Orb (Lucky Strike) (16.67%) 18.1 enchant30.png Wolf Orb (Magical Force) Lv3 (0.30%) 18.1 enchant34.png Wolf Orb (Heal) Lv2 (3.00%)
- 18.1 enchant31.png Wolf Orb (Physical Force) Lv1 (3.00%) 18.1 enchant32.png Wolf Orb (Vital) Lv3 (0.50%)
- 18.1 enchant31.png Wolf Orb (Physical Force) Lv2 (3.00%) 18.1 enchant33.png Wolf Orb (Mental) Lv3 (0.50%)
- 18.1 enchant31.png Wolf Orb (Physical Force) Lv3 (0.30%) 18.1 enchant34.png Wolf Orb (Heal) Lv3 (0.50%)
- - 18.1 enchant36.png Wolf Orb (Robust) Lv1 (21.50%)
- - 18.1 enchant36.png Wolf Orb (Robust) Lv2 (3.00%)
- - 18.1 enchant36.png Wolf Orb (Robust) Lv3 (0.50%)

Encanto Perfecto - 1 Slot

Para el encanto perfecto deberás pagar 2500 18.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment y 10,000,000z

Perfect Slot 1 Enchant
18.1 enchant22.png Wolf Orb (Unlimited Vital)
18.1 enchant23.png Wolf Orb (Spell Buster)
18.1 enchant24.png Wolf Orb (Firing Shot)
18.1 enchant25.png Wolf Orb (Overpower)
18.1 enchant26.png Wolf Orb (Fatal Flash)
18.1 enchant28.png Wolf Orb (Lucky Strike)

Gray Wolf Accessories (Derecho)

Objetos Orden de Slot Requisitos Minimos Reset de Encanto
Grade Refine
Wolf7.png Gray Wolf Pendant [1] 3→2→1 Sin Grade 7 25 18.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment


Chance: 100.00%

Wolf9.png Gray Wolf Earring [1]

Encantamiento Normal

Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3
Requisitos de Encantamiento 5018.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment


2518.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment


15 18.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment


Encantos 18.1 enchant37.png Wolf Orb (Expert Archer) Lv1 (19.20%) 18.1 enchant37.png Wolf Orb (Expert Archer) Lv1 (13.80%) 18.1 enchant4.png Wolf Orb (Str) Lv1 (13.67%)
18.1 enchant38.png Wolf Orb (Fatal) Lv1 (19.20%) 18.1 enchant38.png Wolf Orb (Fatal) Lv1 (13.80%) 18.2 enchant5.png Wolf Orb (Dex) Lv1 (13.67%)
18.1 enchant39.png Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv1 (19.20%) 18.1 enchant39.png Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv1 (13.80%) 18.1 enchant6.png Wolf Orb (Agi) Lv1 (13.67%)
18.1 enchant40.png Wolf Orb (Spell) Lv1 (19.20%) 18.1 enchant40.png Wolf Orb (Spell) Lv1 (13.80%) 18.1 enchant7.png Wolf Orb (Int) Lv1 (13.67%)
18.1 enchant41.png Wolf Orb (Delay After Attack) Lv2 (2.00%) 18.1 enchant41.png Wolf Orb (Delay After Attack) Lv2 (2.01%) 18.1 enchant8.png Wolf Orb (Vit) Lv1 (13.67%)
18.1 enchant37.png Wolf Orb (Expert Archer) Lv2 (2.00%) 18.1 enchant37.png Wolf Orb (Expert Archer) Lv2 (2.01%) 18.1 enchant9.png Wolf Orb (Luk) Lv1 (13.67%)
18.1 enchant38.png Wolf Orb (Fatal) Lv2 (2.00%) 18.1 enchant38.png Wolf Orb (Fatal) Lv2 (2.01%) 18.1 enchant4.png Wolf Orb (Str) Lv2 (2.50%)
18.1 enchant39.png Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv2 (2.00%) 18.1 enchant39.png Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv2 (2.01%) 18.2 enchant5.png Wolf Orb (Dex) Lv2 (2.50%)
18.1 enchant40.png Wolf Orb (Spell) Lv2 (2.00%) 18.1 enchant40.png Wolf Orb (Spell) Lv2 (2.01%) 18.1 enchant6.png Wolf Orb (Agi) Lv2 (2.50%)
18.1 enchant41.png Wolf Orb (Delay After Attack) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.1 enchant41.png Wolf Orb (Delay After Attack) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.1 enchant7.png Wolf Orb (Int) Lv2 (2.50%)
18.1 enchant37.png Wolf Orb (Expert Archer) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.1 enchant37.png Wolf Orb (Expert Archer) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.1 enchant8.png Wolf Orb (Vit) Lv2 (2.50%)
18.1 enchant38.png Wolf Orb (Fatal) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.1 enchant38.png Wolf Orb (Fatal) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.1 enchant9.png Wolf Orb (Luk) Lv2 (2.50%)
18.1 enchant39.png Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.1 enchant39.png Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.1 enchant4.png Wolf Orb (Str) Lv3 (0.50%)
18.1 enchant40.png Wolf Orb (Spell) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.1 enchant40.png Wolf Orb (Spell) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.2 enchant5.png Wolf Orb (Dex) Lv3 (0.50%)
18.1 enchant41.png Wolf Orb (Delay After Attack) Lv4 (0.08%) 18.1 enchant41.png Wolf Orb (Delay After Attack) Lv4 (0.05%) 18.1 enchant6.png Wolf Orb (Agi) Lv3 (0.50%)
18.1 enchant37.png Wolf Orb (Expert Archer) Lv4 (0.08%) 18.1 enchant37.png Wolf Orb (Expert Archer) Lv4 (0.05%) 18.1 enchant7.png Wolf Orb (Int) Lv3 (0.50%)
18.1 enchant38.png Wolf Orb (Fatal) Lv4 (0.08%) 18.1 enchant38.png Wolf Orb (Fatal) Lv4 (0.05%) 18.1 enchant8.png Wolf Orb (Vit) Lv3 (0.50%)
18.1 enchant39.png Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv4 (0.08%) 18.1 enchant39.png Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv4 (0.05%) 18.1 enchant9.png Wolf Orb (Luk) Lv3 (0.50%)
18.1 enchant40.png Wolf Orb (Spell) Lv4 (0.08%) 18.1 enchant40.png Wolf Orb (Spell) Lv4 (0.05%) -
18.1 enchant42.png Wolf Orb (Drain Life) (3.60%) 18.1 enchant45.png Wolf Orb (HP Recovery) Lv1 (13.80%) -
18.1 enchant43.png Wolf Orb (Magic Healing) (3.60%) 18.1 enchant46.png Wolf Orb (SP Recovery) Lv1 (13.80%) -
18.1 enchant44.png Wolf Orb (All Force) (3.60%) 18.1 enchant45.png Wolf Orb (HP Recovery) Lv2 (2.01%) -
- 18.1 enchant46.png Wolf Orb (SP Recovery) Lv2 (2.01%) -
- 18.1 enchant45.png Wolf Orb (HP Recovery) Lv3 (0.40%) -
- 18.1 enchant46.png Wolf Orb (SP Recovery) Lv3 (0.40%) -
- 18.1 enchant45.png Wolf Orb (HP Recovery) Lv4 (0.05%) -
- 18.1 enchant46.png Wolf Orb (SP Recovery) Lv4 (0.05%) -

Encanto Perfecto - 1 Slot

Para el encanto perfecto deberás pagar 2500 18.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment y 10,000,000z

Perfect Slot 1 Enchant
18.1 enchant41.png Wolf Orb (Delay After Attack) Lv3
18.1 enchant37.png Wolf Orb (Expert Archer) Lv4
18.1 enchant38.png Wolf Orb (Fatal) Lv4
18.1 enchant39.png Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv4
18.1 enchant40.png Wolf Orb (Spell) Lv4
18.1 enchant42.png Wolf Orb (Drain Life)
18.1 enchant43.png Wolf Orb (Magic Healing)
18.1 enchant44.png Wolf Orb (All Force)

Gray Wolf Accessories (Izquierdo)

Objetos Orden de Slot Requisitos Minimos Reset de Encanto
Grade Refine
Wolf10.png Gray Wolf Necklace [1] 3→2→1 Sin Grade 7 25 18.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment


Chance: 100.00%

Wolf8.png Gray Wolf Ring [1]

Encantamiento Normal

Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3
Requisitos de Encantamiento 5018.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment


2518.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment


15 18.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment


Encantos 18.1 enchant37.png Wolf Orb (Expert Archer) Lv1 (19.20%) 18.1 enchant37.png Wolf Orb (Expert Archer) Lv1 (13.80%) 18.1 enchant4.png Wolf Orb (Str) Lv1 (13.67%)
18.1 enchant38.png Wolf Orb (Fatal) Lv1 (19.20%) 18.1 enchant38.png Wolf Orb (Fatal) Lv1 (13.80%) 18.2 enchant5.png Wolf Orb (Dex) Lv1 (13.67%)
18.1 enchant39.png Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv1 (19.20%) 18.1 enchant39.png Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv1 (13.80%) 18.1 enchant6.png Wolf Orb (Agi) Lv1 (13.67%)
18.1 enchant40.png Wolf Orb (Spell) Lv1 (19.20%) 18.1 enchant40.png Wolf Orb (Spell) Lv1 (13.80%) 18.1 enchant7.png Wolf Orb (Int) Lv1 (13.67%)
18.1 enchant41.png Wolf Orb (Delay After Attack) Lv2 (2.00%) 18.1 enchant41.png Wolf Orb (Delay After Attack) Lv2 (2.01%) 18.1 enchant8.png Wolf Orb (Vit) Lv1 (13.67%)
18.1 enchant37.png Wolf Orb (Expert Archer) Lv2 (2.00%) 18.1 enchant37.png Wolf Orb (Expert Archer) Lv2 (2.01%) 18.1 enchant9.png Wolf Orb (Luk) Lv1 (13.67%)
18.1 enchant38.png Wolf Orb (Fatal) Lv2 (2.00%) 18.1 enchant38.png Wolf Orb (Fatal) Lv2 (2.01%) 18.1 enchant4.png Wolf Orb (Str) Lv2 (2.50%)
18.1 enchant39.png Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv2 (2.00%) 18.1 enchant39.png Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv2 (2.01%) 18.2 enchant5.png Wolf Orb (Dex) Lv2 (2.50%)
18.1 enchant40.png Wolf Orb (Spell) Lv2 (2.00%) 18.1 enchant40.png Wolf Orb (Spell) Lv2 (2.01%) 18.1 enchant6.png Wolf Orb (Agi) Lv2 (2.50%)
18.1 enchant41.png Wolf Orb (Delay After Attack) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.1 enchant41.png Wolf Orb (Delay After Attack) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.1 enchant7.png Wolf Orb (Int) Lv2 (2.50%)
18.1 enchant37.png Wolf Orb (Expert Archer) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.1 enchant37.png Wolf Orb (Expert Archer) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.1 enchant8.png Wolf Orb (Vit) Lv2 (2.50%)
18.1 enchant38.png Wolf Orb (Fatal) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.1 enchant38.png Wolf Orb (Fatal) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.1 enchant9.png Wolf Orb (Luk) Lv2 (2.50%)
18.1 enchant39.png Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.1 enchant39.png Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.1 enchant4.png Wolf Orb (Str) Lv3 (0.50%)
18.1 enchant40.png Wolf Orb (Spell) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.1 enchant40.png Wolf Orb (Spell) Lv3 (0.40%) 18.2 enchant5.png Wolf Orb (Dex) Lv3 (0.50%)
18.1 enchant41.png Wolf Orb (Delay After Attack) Lv4 (0.08%) 18.1 enchant41.png Wolf Orb (Delay After Attack) Lv4 (0.05%) 18.1 enchant6.png Wolf Orb (Agi) Lv3 (0.50%)
18.1 enchant37.png Wolf Orb (Expert Archer) Lv4 (0.08%) 18.1 enchant37.png Wolf Orb (Expert Archer) Lv4 (0.05%) 18.1 enchant7.png Wolf Orb (Int) Lv3 (0.50%)
18.1 enchant38.png Wolf Orb (Fatal) Lv4 (0.08%) 18.1 enchant38.png Wolf Orb (Fatal) Lv4 (0.05%) 18.1 enchant8.png Wolf Orb (Vit) Lv3 (0.50%)
18.1 enchant39.png Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv4 (0.08%) 18.1 enchant39.png Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv4 (0.05%) 18.1 enchant9.png Wolf Orb (Luk) Lv3 (0.50%)
18.1 enchant40.png Wolf Orb (Spell) Lv4 (0.08%) 18.1 enchant40.png Wolf Orb (Spell) Lv4 (0.05%) -
18.1 echant42.png Wolf Orb (Drain Soul) (3.60%) 18.1 enchant45.png Wolf Orb (HP Recovery) Lv1 (13.80%) -
18.1 enchant48.png Wolf Orb (Magic Soul) (3.60%) 18.1 enchant46.png Wolf Orb (SP Recovery) Lv1 (13.80%) -
18.1 enchant44.png Wolf Orb (All Force) (3.60%) 18.1 enchant45.png Wolf Orb (HP Recovery) Lv2 (2.01%) -
- 18.1 enchant46.png Wolf Orb (SP Recovery) Lv2 (2.01%) -
- 18.1 enchant45.png Wolf Orb (HP Recovery) Lv3 (0.40%) -
- 18.1 enchant46.png Wolf Orb (SP Recovery) Lv3 (0.40%) -
- 18.1 enchant45.png Wolf Orb (HP Recovery) Lv4 (0.05%) -
- 18.1 enchant46.png Wolf Orb (SP Recovery) Lv4 (0.05%) -

Encanto Perfecto - 1 Slot

Para el encanto perfecto deberás pagar 2500 18.1 Amethyst Fragment.png Amethyst Fragment y 10,000,000z

Perfect Slot 1 Enchant
18.1 enchant41.png Wolf Orb (Delay After Attack) Lv3
18.1 enchant37.png Wolf Orb (Expert Archer) Lv4
18.1 enchant38.png Wolf Orb (Fatal) Lv4
18.1 enchant39.png Wolf Orb (Fighting Spirit) Lv4
18.1 enchant40.png Wolf Orb (Spell) Lv4
18.1 echant42.png Wolf Orb (Drain Soul)
18.1 enchant48.png Wolf Orb (Magic Soul)
18.1 enchant44.png Wolf Orb (All Force)